The village and its region

The village of Saint-Jean-de-Valériscle and its region

Located at the gates of the Cévennes, the village of Saint-Jean-de-Valériscle is remarkable for its preserved medieval houses. They form the ramparts by their entanglement and their communicating cellars. The narrow alleys and vaulted passages lead to a small square on which is the Romanesque church and the 13th century castle. 
The Barry district retains a striking medieval atmosphere and testifies to an original circular town planning called "circulade". 

The village in history --------- The village in photo

The coat of arms museum

The only museum dedicated to heraldic science in France

This municipal museum was born from the will of several enthusiasts who wanted to give the art and science of coats of arms a unique sanctuary in France. The coat of arms museum has its origins in an association, that of the Knights of Monos, under the leadership of its founder Régis Germain and that of his wife, who patiently built up an original collection of over 1,200 pieces. These are coats of arms finely made of wood, cut out, assembled in relief and painted. The museum also presents an important series of costumes made by Laurence Magnanelli and also weapons reproduced by specialized craftsmen. 

The coat of arms museum offers an initiation in the science of the coat of arms. 
The site is labeled "Tourism and Handicap" for mental and visual handicap. 
Workshops available for schoolchildren. 
Groups: all year round by appointment. 
Individuals: opening indicated on answering machine
Musée des blasons 
Quartier Médieval, Rue de la Tournelle 
Telephone - 04 66 25 65 42.
Romanesque church
The most remarkable monument in the Auzonnet Valley 

This Romanesque seigneurial church of the Marquisate de Portes was built in the 12th century and restored in 1990.

 It is said to be the most remarkable monument in the Valley of the Auzonnet. 
The peculiarities of this building are on the one hand the stone engraved with the chrism of the emperor Constantine dating from the 4th century, probably an old Gallo-Roman funerary stele, and on the other hand the acoustic amphorae in the vault of the choir, intended for amplify the celebrant's voice during services and preaching. 

Every year concerts are organized there and a sound and light show offers a virtual visit of the church. 

Rue Pierre-Agniel 
History of the village of Saint-Jean-de-Valériscle 

The history of Saint-Jean-de-Valériscle begins some 20 centuries before our era when prehistoric men lived in a cave on the slopes of the village near Auzonnet. Later, the Romans will leave physical and written traces of their passages, a large Roman road crossing the Cévennes, the Regordane way which passes about ten kilometers. 
The village, which had long been mainly agricultural, was recognized for the quality of its onions, and was equally called Saint Jean-de-Valériscle or Saint-Jean-de-Cèbes (onions in Occitan). 
The artisanal exploitation of coal was already practiced in Saint-Jean-de-Valériscle in 1549. During the French Revolution, the town temporarily bore the name of Valériscle. In the 19th century, the village's economic activity was divided between agriculture (onions, chestnuts), sericulture (silkworms) and coal, the deposits of which began to be exploited in the middle of the century. The village meanwhile sees its population drop by almost a thousand souls following the creation of the town of Les Mages by splitting of this hamlet of the town of Saint-Jean-de-Valériscle. 
In 1882, the commune of Molières-sur-Cèze was created from part of the territory of the commune as well as parts of the territories of Meyrannes and Robiac-Rochessadoule. 
In the 20th century, sericulture disappeared and mining ceased around 1960. 
The village then turned to tourism and the production of olive oil.

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